Ahh decisions, decisions… deciding on names for your new Exotic Shorthair or Persian kitten often isn’t easy. Choosing a kitten name is easier than for choosing a name for a dog or a puppy though, as you are hardly likely to be found yelling your kitten’s name in a public park!
Sometimes the name comes easily, like for Mister Mustache or “Stash” shown above. But sometimes we all just need a hand. Here are a few practical tips that can help you when choosing a kitten name:
- To make it easier to call your kitten’s name, choose a kitten name that is short with 1 or 2 syllables. And if it’s a long kitten name, think about what the short version will be.
- You want to make sure you can easily pronounce the kitten name. It should just roll off your tongue.
- Learn about your kitten’s personality and find a suitable name. The characteristics of kittens can vary a lot from breed to breed but also from animal to animal.
- Your kitten’s breed can also give you some inspiration for a cat name or kitten name.
- Pick a name that will grow with your kitten. For example, “Kitten” may be less appropriate for a full-grown cat.
50 Cute Name Ideas For Your Kitten
Tigger Tiger Max Smokey Sam Kitty Sassy Shadow Simba Patch Lucky Misty Sammy Princess Oreo Precious Missy Oscar Fluffy Whiskers Gizmo | Molly Midnight Buddy Baby Toby Spike Sophie Rusty Pumpkin Buster Sylvester Rocky Pepper Milo Daisy Cleo Chloe Holly Minnie Angel Dusty |

Arkansas Exotic Shorthair Kitten Breeders
Mon Chéri Cattery is an Arkansas small boutique breeder of Exotic Shorthair kittens for sale and Exotic Longhair kittens for sale and both a CFA Cattery of Excellence and a TICA Outstanding Cattery. For over 20 years we have bred pet and show-quality Exotic Shorthair kittens and Exotic Longhair kittens that are healthy, beautiful, well-socialized and smart.